Working Bee Sunday 12th January
Kick off the year in true motorsport style! Start the day by rolling up your sleeves at our working bee, then switch gears in the afternoon for some track action. Your contributions help keep our club strong and our events running smoothly!
We’ve got a full checklist of tasks that need attention (see below). Whether you can lend a hand at the working bee or pitch in at a time that works better for you, we’d love your support. With your help, we can get these jobs done and dusted!
Don't forget that Red Plate paperwork can be signed at the working bee.
Date: Sunday, 12th January
Time: First arrivals at 8 am
Location: 21 Key Lane Pakenham
BBQ Lunch: 12:30 pm (Please Register for Catering Purposes)
After a productive morning of hard work, treat yourself to a mouth-watering Free BBQ lunch, prepared on our BBQ generously donated by Bunnings. As a token of our appreciation for your efforts, you'll also receive a free entry to the afternoon's Khanacross event!
Jobs to be done around the grounds
- The area behind the containers cleared – Rubbish removed, Whipper Snipper then mowed
- Mow & whipper snipper around the house
- Slash paddock behind the house
- Check condition/ depth of bore shaft
- Outside power point near BBQ area to be installed (Electrician)
- Install power/ ethernet cables to the shed. get electrician to wire in
- Check roller- start? Tyre pressures
- Tip run
Start clearing around small dam so we can get a proper look at what's there- chop down trees
Remove fence posts south end and around clubrooms
Set out competition area back paddock - mow, topsoil holes, smudge & roller
Club House Jobs to be done
- Seal back door - rodent entry point
- Male toilet cubicle - side wall has separated from front panel
- Kitchen cupboard at kitchen entry- clean/ fix or pull out- replace with a decent bench?
- Fire extinguisher to be hung on wall
Your support and help are greatly appreciated!
Special Requests
If you're skilled in:
- Cutting trees – Time to cut down the dead trees
- Electrical work - install powerpoint & ethernet cable
- Security Systems - install security cameras
- Carpentry
We look forward to seeing you there!
For further details, Email: