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Pakenham auto club

Since 1972

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Motorkhanas are the short form of competition we hold on-site here at the Pakenham Auto Club.

Held at relatively low speeds, your task is simple: complete a set of pre-determined tests around a set of flags or cones in the correct order and in the fastest possible time.

Starting from a standstill in a ‘gate’, at the completion of a given course, you must return to stop in the designated finishing area.

Some key points in motorkhanas:

  • While some events are held on sealed surfaces, our events are held on grass/dirt, which places emphasis on driver's ability, while also adding significantly to the fun factor!
  • Motorkhanas are contested by one vehicle at a time, although multiple tests can run concurrently across our facility
  • These events are hugely popular with junior competitors aged 12-17
  • Cars owned by the PAC can be hired by eligible junior participants, easing the entry to competition for newcomers, pending availability
  • You can share cars - many families choose to share their car across multiple drivers
  • You can use your road car or any other well-presented, safe machine that is in compliance with Motorsport Australia’s regulations
  • No need for a helmet (except for open-top Motorkhana specials) or a fire extinguisher
  • The only clothing requirements are closed-toe shoes, shorts and T-shirts made from a non-flammable material
  • Some tests require reversing, which is an excellent way to hone skills
  • Keep an eye out for regular Come & Try, plus Test & Tune events
  • Often, events will end with head-to-head grudge matches against other competitors, which are a massive amount of fun!
  • Motorkhanas extend all the way to state and national level, with Pakenham members regularly travelling to test out their skills against the best of the best!
  • The Pakenham Auto Club is highly active in the Group 5 scene, which sees our members go up against other clubs in the region
  • All participants require a Motorsport Australia Speed Licence or above, and must be a member of a Motorsport Australia-affiliated car club, such as the Pakenham Auto Club


G5 PAC 23rd June 24 MotorKhana Supp Regs, Entry and Self Scruit.pdf


Any questions? Let us know at

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Pakenham Auto Club was founded in 1972 by local motoring enthusiasts keen to enjoy motorsports events in safe, controlled environments.

Sanctioned by Motorsport Australia, Pakenham Auto Club support all motor sport disciplines with active membership involved in rally, motorkhana, historics, hillclimbs and circuit racing events.

The club's grounds in Pakenham provide Melbourne with a high-quality grassroots outlet for motorkhana and khanacross activities.


Grounds: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham VIC 3810

Mailing Address: PO Box 31 Pakenham Vic 3810


Copyright © 2024 Pakenham Auto Club, Inc.