We Need Your Help at the June Working Bee!
Date: Sunday, 16th June, 2024
Time: First arrivals at 8 am
Location: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham
Please RSVP for Catering Purposes
Let’s Make Our Grounds Shine!
Bring your energy, enthusiasm, and let’s have a fantastic day making our club grounds the best they can be.
Calling All Mowers and Snippers!
Got a ride-on mower, push mower, or whipper snipper? Please bring it along! We've got a lot of grass to tackle before our next Motorkhana. And hey, we might just start the first-ever Whipper Snipper Racing League!
BBQ Bonanza!
After a morning of hard work, feast on a delicious BBQ lunch, cooked on our new bbq, generously donated by Bunnings, as a big "thank you" for your efforts.
Tasks That Need Your Help:
- Slash & Dash! - Slashing the motorkhana and car park areas.
- Lawn Legends! - Mowing the lawns around the clubhouse.
- Whipper Snipper Warriors! - Trimming and tidying up all areas.
- Gravel Gang! - Moving gravel to necessary spots.
- ️ Crossover Champions! - Working on the second crossover.
- Scrap Metal Madness! - Loading up scrap metal for recycling.
- And So Much More! - Plenty of tasks for everyone!
Special Requests:
Can you help us fix our drinks fridge—it might need a new thermostat. If you're skilled in electrical work or earth moving, we need your expertise!
See You There!
For further details, don't hesitate to contact Anthony Kealy at 0414733621.