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Pakenham auto club

Since 1972

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  • 28/08/2023 3:19 PM | Anonymous

    Our next event is a Khanacross on 24 Sep 2023.

    Entry is via Motorsport Australia Event Entry.

    Khanacross Supplementary Regulations -323-2409-04 Approved.docx

  • 24/08/2023 4:20 PM | Deleted user

    After a good feed and a couple of drinks at our July General Meeting, let’s do it again!

    It will be great to catch up with everyone for a feed – it’s a little away from Pakenham, but it’s a top drive up the hill!

    Where: Pine Grove Hotel, 45-51 Stoney Creek Rd, Beaconsfield Upper

    When: Monday 28th August

    6:30pm for dinner and drinks

    7:30pm mee ng start

  • 01/08/2023 6:28 AM | Anonymous

    Our next Motorkhana is on 13 August 2023.

    Registration for this event will only be accepted through the Motorsport Australia Event Entry Portal.

    If you have not used Event Entry, please contact Motorsport Australia for details.

    Supplementary Regulations

    Supplementary Regulationa-323-1308-06-Approved.docx

    Please forward the attached paperwork to

    Proof of current Club Membership

    Self Statement of Vehicle Compliance.pdf

    2023-08-13 Motorkhana self-scrutiny-checklist-autotest.pdf

    2023-08-13 Motorkhana passenger-ride-entry-form.pdf    (if required)

  • 31/07/2023 3:39 PM | Deleted user

    Working Bee This Weekend

    When: This Sunday, August 6th, 9am start

    Where: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    Sausage Sizzle: Held at around 12pm for all volunteers

    The main priority for this working bee is again general mowing and poisoning along fence lines, reclaiming the area near the silo and around the containers, slashing the paddock next to the Clubhouse, plus removing as much scrap metal as possible.

    Vehicle maintenance tasks:

    • The little ride-on mower has a suspected electric gremlin – are there any mower whisperers in the club?
    • Likewise, JD the tractor needs a cuddle regarding its fuel supply.
    • Also, we still need to find Burnie the Tractor a new home – we need to clean up around him, and gather together all of his belongings and components, so that we can list him on Marketplace.

    Other fun and exciting jobs include:

    • Removing all rocks/rubbish around the Clubhouse.
    • Filling in all holes in the mortar, vermin proofing the Clubhouse.
    • Clean the toilet blocks.
    • Attack the mystery mound of stuff, so we can work out what grass has grown over, and remove items as required.
    • Start/empty the fire vehicle pump, and replace put some fresh water into the system.
    • Ongoing fire extinguisher/ battery hunt. Bonus points if you bring your own old car battery for the club to turn into funds!

    If you have a skillset, trade, or ability to do anything that you think would, could or should benefit the club, please let us know. We will be more than happy to put you to use.

    If you would like any more information, please feel free to call Anthony on 0414733621

    Save the date: The next working bee will be held on Sunday the 10th of September.

    Pakenham Auto Club Merchandise Clear-out!

    $5 jumper

    $2 t-shirts

    Check out our clear-out of old stock, with limited sizes available – so it’s first, in best dressed!

    Located at the Clubhouse, the merchandise can be purchased at any event or working bee.

  • 19/07/2023 4:19 PM | Deleted user

    New Venue: PAC General Meeting

    This Monday, 24th July at the Pine Grove Hotel

    Please note, the location of our Monthly General Meetings has moved. It will be great to catch up with everyone for a feed by the fireplace in the Club Room – it’s a little away from Pakenham, but it’s a top drive up the hill!

    Where: Pine Grove Hotel, 45-51 Stoney Creek Rd, Beaconsfield Upper

    When: Monday 24th July

    6:30pm for dinner and drinks

    7:30pm meeting start

    Contact: Mark Walker via or 0407 138 745

  • 17/07/2023 2:55 PM | Deleted user

    Calling all BBQ pros! The PAC is calling for volunteers this Sunday to help prepare catering for the Historic Rally Association’s Down the Drains Touring Assembly, which will be based at our club grounds.


    WHEN: Sunday 23rd July, 2023

    TWO SHIFTS: 7:30am – 9:30am, and 11:00am – 2:00pm

    WHERE: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    RSVP & DETAILS: Antony Franks, 0429 099 353 or

  • 13/07/2023 8:29 AM | Deleted user

    Unfortunately, due to the continued wet weather, we have made the reluctant decision to cancel the Motorkhana scheduled for Sunday, July 23rd. That said, with a positive long-range forecast and continued work to improve drainage around the grounds, we are highly optimistic that our August 13th Motorkhana will be all systems go – watch this space for updates!

  • 12/07/2023 10:33 AM | Deleted user

    The club’s water truck is receiving a (major) birthday, and we would love some helping hands to make the party a success! Join us as we pair our trusty truck with a fresh cab this Saturday.

    When: Saturday 15th July, 9am until approx 4pm

    Where: Form A Sign, 167 Browns Rd, Noble Park North

    Please get in touch with Antony Franks (0429 099 353) or Wes Chandler (0419 570 858) to register your interest.

    Thanks in advance!

  • 12/07/2023 10:32 AM | Deleted user

    Following the fantastic success of our most recent working bee, we are looking to keep the momentum rolling this weekend!

    WHEN: Sunday 16th of July, 9am start

    WHERE: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    A sausage sizzle will be held at around midday for all volunteers present

    This working bee's main priority is general mowing, whipper snipping and tidying up around the clubhouse, ensuring that the grounds are ready for next weekend’s HRA event and our very own Come & Try Day.

    Many hands make light work, with some of the other items we are looking to tick off the list including:

    → Removing all rocks/rubbish around the clubhouse and burying the blue line pipe

    → Repair the smudger back to its former glory, and move it from the front of the clubhouse

    → Replacing a power point (a qualified sparky would be most welcomed!)

    → Cleaning the toilet blocks

    → Sort out the scrap metal pile

    → Re-stacking items onto pallets, making moving assets a little easier

    → FUN GAMES! A fire extinguisher hunt, plus musical tables (i.e. arrange our metal tables in a usable fashion for visitors)

    If you possess a skillset, trade, or ability to do anything that would, could or should benefit the club, please let us know - we will be more than happy to put you to use!

    Also, you can mark down Sunday, August 6th, for our next working bee.

    If you would like more information, please call Anthony Kealy on 0414 733 621.

  • 07/07/2023 6:03 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone for the overwhelming response to our July Junior Come & Try Day - we are now fully subscribed! But don't stress - keep it tuned to this page for details of our other upcoming dates


Pakenham Auto Club was founded in 1972 by local motoring enthusiasts keen to enjoy motorsports events in safe, controlled environments.

Sanctioned by Motorsport Australia, Pakenham Auto Club support all motor sport disciplines with active membership involved in rally, motorkhana, historics, hillclimbs and circuit racing events.

The club's grounds in Pakenham provide Melbourne with a high-quality grassroots outlet for motorkhana and khanacross activities.


Grounds: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham VIC 3810

Mailing Address: PO Box 31 Pakenham Vic 3810


Copyright © 2024 Pakenham Auto Club, Inc.