Working Bee This Weekend
When: This Sunday, August 6th, 9am start
Where: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham
Sausage Sizzle: Held at around 12pm for all volunteers
The main priority for this working bee is again general mowing and poisoning along fence lines, reclaiming the area near the silo and around the containers, slashing the paddock next to the Clubhouse, plus removing as much scrap metal as possible.
Vehicle maintenance tasks:
- The little ride-on mower has a suspected electric gremlin – are there any mower whisperers in the club?
- Likewise, JD the tractor needs a cuddle regarding its fuel supply.
- Also, we still need to find Burnie the Tractor a new home – we need to clean up around him, and gather together all of his belongings and components, so that we can list him on Marketplace.
Other fun and exciting jobs include:
- Removing all rocks/rubbish around the Clubhouse.
- Filling in all holes in the mortar, vermin proofing the Clubhouse.
- Clean the toilet blocks.
- Attack the mystery mound of stuff, so we can work out what grass has grown over, and remove items as required.
- Start/empty the fire vehicle pump, and replace put some fresh water into the system.
- Ongoing fire extinguisher/ battery hunt. Bonus points if you bring your own old car battery for the club to turn into funds!
If you have a skillset, trade, or ability to do anything that you think would, could or should benefit the club, please let us know. We will be more than happy to put you to use.
If you would like any more information, please feel free to call Anthony on 0414733621
Save the date: The next working bee will be held on Sunday the 10th of September.

Pakenham Auto Club Merchandise Clear-out!
$5 jumper
$2 t-shirts
Check out our clear-out of old stock, with limited sizes available – so it’s first, in best dressed!
Located at the Clubhouse, the merchandise can be purchased at any event or working bee.