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Pakenham auto club

Since 1972

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  • 18/02/2024 10:23 AM | Deleted user

    February 25 Working Bee

    First arrivals from 8am – at the moment, we are down a mowing tractor, so if you have a ride-on mower or similar, it would be massively appreciated if you could bring it along.

    A BBQ lunch will be provided for volunteers; let’s keep the roll going and maintain the outstanding condition of the Key Lane facility.

    February 26 Club Meeting

    In the Club Rooms at Key Lane – see you there!

    March 3 Khanacross

    We are on the lookout to assemble our volunteer army at the upcoming Khanacross – if you can help out in any capacity, please contact Anthony Kealy at 0414733621.

    Competitor – put it in your diary. The most recent event was incredibly well received, and our new layout was very popular and in great condition. Full entry details will be available shortly, stay tuned.

  • 23/01/2024 4:46 PM | Deleted user

    When: February 4th, 2024, 10am start

    Entries Close: February 1st, 2024 (Thursday)

    Entry fees:Senior $40, Junior $25

    Where: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    The Pakenham Auto Club back for a massive season of grassroots motorsport action in Pakenham, kicking off with our first official competition Khanacross for the year!

    The grounds are in fantastic shape, and the recent Test & Tune event saw competitors receive 10 runs throughout the day.

    Have you never heard of Khanacrossing? Drop by on the day to check out the action on our challenging grass/dirt-based circuit, with a wide range of machinery and drivers – from age 12 and up.

    This is the best value-for-money motorsport you can get – you can run your road car, a suitable unregistered car, through to more developed competition-spec machinery.

    Come and test your skills against a great group of rev heads – you will love it!

    Enter online today via the Motorsport Australia portal.

    Enter online via >

    Full event details >

  • 23/01/2024 4:45 PM | Deleted user

    Where:  21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    Sausage Sizzle:  Held at around 12pm for all volunteers

    Ahead of a big year, and one week prior to our first competition event, we are looking to give the grounds a proper birthday to make them look their best!

    There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes to get the drainage on the property working efficiently, but this is an ongoing task that requires continual attention.

    Have you ever wanted to learn how to use a tractor? Our experienced team can absolutely show you how!

    Jobs for Everyone!

    All of the usual mowing, whipper snippering, and tidying up around the grounds and the clubhouse have to be carried out, while we are also putting a big effort into improving vehicular access around the grounds in various key places.

    If you have a skillset, trade, or ability to do anything that you think would, could, or should benefit the club, please let us know. We will be more than happy to put you to use!

    Also, remember, you can get your red plate vehicle paperwork signed off by participating in Working Bees.

  • 17/01/2024 3:48 PM | Deleted user

    January General Meeting: This Monday!


    There is plenty happening around the club, with the first General Meeting of the year the perfect way to kick things off!

    As always, it will be great to catch up and discuss a big off-season, with lots of activity around the club to be broken down.

    Where:                       Pakenham Auto Club Clubhouse

                                        21 Key Lane, Pakenham

    When:                        Monday, January 22nd

                                        7:30pm meeting start

    Contact:                   Mark Walker

                                        0407 138 745


  • 08/01/2024 6:26 AM | Deleted user

    A massive season of activity for the Pakenham Auto Club kicks off this Sunday with a Working Bee in the morning followed by a Test & Tune Khanacross in the afternoon!

    When: Sunday, 14th of January
    Location: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham
    Working Bee: 9am
    Khanacross Test & Tune: Approximately 12pm – 4pm
    Khanacross Entry Fee: Only $20
    Entries close: On the day
    Further details: Anthony Kealy on 0414 733 621

    Important Documents:

    Supplementary Regulations_324.1401.01_PAC Khanacross 14 Jan_APPROVED.docx


    Self Statement of Vehicle Compliance.pdf

    In prep for the Khanacross, please keep in mind items such as the standard of your helmet, don’t forget to check the date on your fire extinguisher, plus the usual array of safety items on your car.

    For the Working Bee, we will need assistance with all the standard items around the club grounds to help keep things neat and tidy.

    If you have any particular trade or skillset, we would love to have you along!

    Want to learn how to use some of our awesome groundskeeping equipment? Let us know - we’d love to have you join the team!

    See you there!

  • 18/12/2023 6:44 AM | Deleted user

    Please find below the funeral details of our dear friend Mick Kelly, a life member of the Pakenham Auto Club, who recently passed away.

    The service will be offered at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church

    128 Princes Highway Pakenham

    (Entry via O’Shannessy Street)

    Wednesday 20th December 2023 commencing at 10:30 a.m.

    A burial will follow at the Pakenham Cemetery, Thewlis Road Pakenham

    Full details

  • 15/12/2023 10:40 AM | Deleted user

    Drumroll, please! Meet our Draft Calendar 2024 version 1!

    This will undoubtedly evolve as the season progresses, and we will add further information as it becomes available.

    You may notice an emphasis on Khanacrosses being scheduled for the drier months and Motorkhanas for when it is typically wet.

    With the ongoing works that we are being carried out on the front Motorkhana area, we hope to weatherproof this area, ensuring we can run our full slate of events.

    Stay tuned to these channels for further news as it comes to hand - we hope to see you all at Key Lane in the New Year!

  • 06/12/2023 6:41 AM | Deleted user

    We're having one final event for 2023 this Sunday at Key Lane with a Test & Tune Khanacross!

    - Great chance to get out for run to cap a big year of competition!

    - Opportunity for everyone to try out the timing equipment and our new timing shed

    - A BBQ will be held at the end of the day, all invited!

    When: This Sunday, December 10th 

    Entry fee: $25

    Entries close: On the day

    Scrutineering: 11:00am

    Driver's Briefing: 11:30am 

    Contact: Leon Prosser via  

    Event documentation:

    Supplementary Regulations - 323-0912-03 Approved.docx

    2023-12-09 Test and Tune Entry Form.pdf


  • 27/11/2023 11:25 AM | Anonymous

    The Club's Annual General Meeting is on again on Monday 5th Dec.

    The Club's Annual reports from the Committee will be tabled and election held for the 2024 Committee.

    We will also be voting to replace the Club's Rules of Association to brin them in to line with Consumer Affairs "Model Rules".

    Adopting the new Rules has some significant advantages:

    • change our financial year to end June allowing for greater freedom in when we hold our AGM
    • allows for 'virtual' attendance and voting at meetings
    • updates requirement for things like disciplinary processes.
    All members are urged to attend this AGM to discuss and vote on this proposal.

    Pine grove Hotel Upper Beaconsfield
    Come early for a meal, meeting will commence at 7:30

  • 17/11/2023 7:28 PM | Deleted user

    This event was originally scheduled for 24/9, rescheduled to 15/10, rained out and rescheduled to 26/11, and with the weather continuing to play the game, we reckon it will finally happen this time!

    All entries already received will be transferred to the new date – these entrants will be contacted over the weekend to confirm their participation.

    However, for everyone else, entries have now re-opened!

    Entries and payment will be accepted on the day of the event, closing at 9am, however, if entrants could please send their completed entry form to prior to the event, it would greatly aid in the administration of the event - files are at the bottom of the post.

    Cost: Senior $40, Junior $25, Hire of Junior Club Car $10.

    Please notify Leon Prosser on 0407552047 if you wish to hire a club car.

    Also, we will be looking for a range of volunteers to assist with the running of the day.

    Positions include:

    • Check-in
    • Scrutineering
    • Set-up
    • Timing
    • Catering

    Please contact Leon on the details above if you can help out in any way.

    See you at Key Lane!

    2023-11-26 Khanacross Entry Form V2.pdf

    Khanacross Supplementary Regulations -323-2409-04 Approved (1).docx


Pakenham Auto Club was founded in 1972 by local motoring enthusiasts keen to enjoy motorsports events in safe, controlled environments.

Sanctioned by Motorsport Australia, Pakenham Auto Club support all motor sport disciplines with active membership involved in rally, motorkhana, historics, hillclimbs and circuit racing events.

The club's grounds in Pakenham provide Melbourne with a high-quality grassroots outlet for motorkhana and khanacross activities.


Grounds: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham VIC 3810

Mailing Address: PO Box 31 Pakenham Vic 3810


Copyright © 2024 Pakenham Auto Club, Inc.