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Pakenham auto club

Since 1972

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  • 29/06/2023 9:48 AM | Anonymous

    Got spare time in July? Come join one (ore two!) of our working bees at PAC. This includes regular maintenance such as mowing the property and maintaining the khanacross track, among other things. BBQ lunch provided for volunteers. We would love to see you there.

    May be an image of grass and text that says 'PAKENHAM AUTO CLUB JULY WORKING BEE SCHEDULE SUNDAY 2ND JULY 2023 SUNDAY| 16TH JULY 2023 9AM -12PM 21 Key Lane Pakenham We would love it if our volunteers were able to bring along: Lawn mowers Gloves & personal safety'

  • 25/06/2023 6:52 PM | Anonymous

    Next working bee Sunday 2nd July at 9am.

    General working bee stuff like mowing, whipper snipping, tidying up.

    Open photo

  • 25/06/2023 5:44 PM | Anonymous

    Unfortunately the Committee has decided to cancel tomorrow night's (Monday 26 June) meeting.

    Basically, it's too wet at Key Lane.

    The area in front of the clubrooms is very wet and won't support a vehicle. The front paddock is ok but the access has also developed a very wet patch and we can't guarantee getting out. With luck, this can be fixed with some agi and crushed rock.

    The next meeting will be on Monday 24 July, hopefully at Key Lane but we will let you know as soon as possible.

    If anyone needs Club Plate Renewals signed please contact Antony Franks on 0429 099353 to arrange an alternative time.

    The Committee apologises for any inconvenience.

  • 05/06/2023 10:07 AM | Anonymous

    Our next Khanacross is on Sunday 18th June 2023.

    Entries for this event can be made through Motorsport Australia Event Entry and should be lodged by Thursday 15 June 2023. Payment by credit card on entry or by direct debit. See bank details in Event Entry.

    If you have any problems or questions please contact me at

    Supplementary Regulations - 323-1806-07 Approved.docx

    2023-06-18 Khancross Entry Form.pdf

  • 29/05/2023 9:02 AM | Anonymous


    Late notice, but this coming Saturday 3rd June I am running a training session on how to use our timing system.

    Starting at 1pm we will cover all aspects of the system:

    description of the various components

    turning on and off (its not as simple as it sounds)

    setting up the beams and laptop

    operating the software

    We obviously can't run an event without timekeepers. This session is an opportunity for competitors, family and other volunteers to to learn the system so we can share the load.

    For further info, any questions or expression of interest please contact me on 0407552047 or

    thank you


  • 18/05/2023 4:28 PM | Anonymous

    The Oilrag for April/ May is attached.

    This edition is full of interesting event reports and important information on changes the Committee has implemented.

    Also attached, a review document on PAC's membership fee structure.

    Oilrag May 2023.pdf 

    Submission- Club Membership Fees- LP V2.docx

  • 01/05/2023 10:38 AM | Anonymous

    PAC is hosting round 5 of the 2023 VCAS competition at the Boisdale Hillclimb circuit on 20 May 2023.

    Registration details and event paperwork can be found on the website events page.

  • 27/04/2023 5:44 PM | Anonymous


    With vmci taking their round of the VMC to another site we have a vacancy in our calendar, so here comes another Khanacross.

    Sunday 7th May starting at 8 so we can be running by 9.

    Full details and registration at on the Events page

  • 24/04/2023 6:55 AM | Anonymous


    As mentioned earlier this week, the location of our monthly general meeting has been moved due to the closure of the Deep Creek Golf Club facilities. Tomorrow's meeting will now be held at our grounds at 21 Key Lane from 7:30pm.

    We thank you for your understanding.

  • 20/04/2023 4:44 PM | Anonymous

    As some of you may be aware, the Deep Creek Golf Club has ben placed in receivership.

    Our best wishes go to Kelly and her team, they have looked after us incredibly while we have been meeting there.

    With the closure of Deep Creek, our next General Club meeting on Monday night will be at our Clubrooms at key Lane at 7:30.

    On a positive note, the fireplace works so look forward to a nice worm fire.


Pakenham Auto Club was founded in 1972 by local motoring enthusiasts keen to enjoy motorsports events in safe, controlled environments.

Sanctioned by Motorsport Australia, Pakenham Auto Club support all motor sport disciplines with active membership involved in rally, motorkhana, historics, hillclimbs and circuit racing events.

The club's grounds in Pakenham provide Melbourne with a high-quality grassroots outlet for motorkhana and khanacross activities.


Grounds: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham VIC 3810

Mailing Address: PO Box 31 Pakenham Vic 3810


Copyright © 2024 Pakenham Auto Club, Inc.