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Pakenham auto club

Since 1972

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Come & Try Khanacross for Beginners - Fun Day

If you've ever been curious about motorsport but didn't know where to start, Come & Try Khanacross events are perfect for you! These beginner-friendly, non-competitive sessions let you experience the thrill of Khanacross in a low-pressure environment, making them ideal for newcomers. Whether you're a complete novice or just looking for some weekend fun, we've got you covered!

What Is Khanacross?

A Khanacross event is an introductory-level "autotest" event, making it an excellent entry point into motorsport. It involves a series of short courses designed to test your skills in acceleration, braking, and maneuvering. Events can take place on a variety of surfaces, including unsealed tracks, bitumen, or a mix of both.

At the Pakenham Auto Club, we offer a variety of dirt and grass circuit configurations, which we adapt for Khanacross events. This ensures a fun and challenging experience for drivers of all skill levels.



Almost any car will do—whether it's your daily driver, a paddock basher, or a purpose-built vehicle. Most vehicles can participate as long as they meet safety requirements.


All cars must adhere to the following Technical Compliance Regulations:


Every car must have a securely mounted fire extinguisher that meets the standards outlined in TECHNICAL APPENDIX Schedule H – Fire Extinguishers

  • Secured using a metal bracket attached with high-tensile bolts or equivalent fasteners.
  • Removable by the driver or crew while seated with safety harness unfastened, without using tools.


All vehicles will undergo scrutineering by competition officials before the event to ensure they meet safety and eligibility requirements.

  • Battery is secure and positive battery terminal must be covered/insulated
  • No Mud Flaps Required
  • No loose items inside the car.
  • No Roof Racks or Pods

  • Mobile Phones are not to be stored in gloveboxes, clothing pockets on in the competitors vehicle.  If you do not have a safe place to store your phone out of the car, you can drop it off at the timing tower.

PAC Scrutinee Checklist V2.docx and  Self-Scrutiny Checklist Autotest


You don’t need a regular driver’s licence to participate in motorsport events. Instead, you’ll require a Motorsport Speed Licence for Adults or Junior Speed Licence for Juniors (12-17 years) .

An Introductory Licence is, available for $30. This licence is valid for one event, making it an affordable way to explore the sport.


    Safety is a top priority in motorsport, and following the proper apparel guidelines is essential for protecting all participants and meeting regulatory requirements. Whether you're driving or riding as a passenger, wearing the right gear helps minimize risks. Helmets are required for all drivers and passengers in Khanacross events.


    All helmets must meet one of the following standards:

    • AS/NZS1698 and updates. Label may vary depending on approval body.
    • ECE 22 (with 03, 04 ,05 or 06 amendments) Label may be on the helmet strap and consist of the E mark with a number which defines the country of origin.
    For more information refer to:  Schedule D – Apparel Autotest


      Each driver and passenger must comply with the Schedule D-Apparel Autotest to maintain safety standards for all participants. The following clothing and footwear requirements must be followed:

      • Minimum Attire: A short-sleeve shirt or t-shirt and short pants are the minimum acceptable clothing for all participants, except for drivers and passengers in open vehicles.
      • Open Vehicles: Drivers and passengers in open cars must wear fire-resistant clothing that fully covers the body from neck to wrist to ankle.
      • Prohibited Materials: Clothing made from flammable synthetic materials, such as nylon, is not allowed.
      • Footwear: Closed-toe shoes are mandatory for all participants.

      By following these guidelines, you contribute to a safer experience for everyone involved.


      A 10 km/h speed limit applies in all non-competition areas.


      Passengers must complete the Motorsport Australia "Passenger Ride Entry Form" before any test.  

      • Each Passenger shall be at least 12 years of age.
      • Only one passenger is allowed in the car during a test.
      • Passenger must be approved by the Clerk of the Course (COC).
      • Each Driver, Passenger, and Automobile combination must be approved to participate in an MSPRA.
      • A wristband must be worn at all times, which will be issued upon completion of the signed form.
      • Each MSPRA must be conducted within the limits of the automobile and its driver, and at less than racing speed.
      • Passengers are NOT to Use Mobile Phones to video drivers

      Passenger Ride Entry Form


      • A panic code will be determined and agreed upon by each Driver and Passenger, which can be used by the Passenger to indicate they are no longer agreeable to the continuation of an MSPRA.
      • In the event the panic code is used or displayed by a Passenger, the Driver must promptly slow down and exit the course.


      Before the competition begins, a slow convoy run (approx. 20 km/h) may be conducted behind an official car to familiarise drivers with the course. Passengers are allowed if the car is appropriately equipped.


      The Clerk of the Course may stop a driver if deemed unable to maintain control of the vehicle.


      A Junior is a driver who is at least 12 years old and less than 18 years old on the first day of the event.


      All competitors must complete an entry form.

      How to complete the entry form:

      • If you are the only driver of the car, simply fill out the Competitor (Car Owner) section and sign the Declaration.

      • If you're sharing the car with other drivers, complete the Competitor (Car Owner) sections. Each driver will need to fill out their details in the Driver 1 and Driver 2 sections, and all drivers must sign the Declaration.

      • For drivers under 18, the Parent/Guardian Consent section must be signed by a parent or guardian. This is mandatory for all applicants under 18.

      Khanacross Entry Form

      Now that you've read through all the information and requirements, it's time to get out there and have some fun at our Come & Try Khanacross events! These sessions are all about enjoying the thrill of motorsport in a relaxed, beginner-friendly environment. We’re excited to have you join us, and we hope you make the most of this awesome experience.

      See you on the track for some fun!

      Upcoming events

      • No upcoming events


      Pakenham Auto Club was founded in 1972 by local motoring enthusiasts keen to enjoy motorsports events in safe, controlled environments.

      Sanctioned by Motorsport Australia, Pakenham Auto Club support all motor sport disciplines with active membership involved in rally, motorkhana, historics, hillclimbs and circuit racing events.

      The club's grounds in Pakenham provide Melbourne with a high-quality grassroots outlet for motorkhana and khanacross activities.


      Grounds: 21 Key Lane, Pakenham VIC 3810

      Mailing Address: PO Box 31 Pakenham Vic 3810


      Copyright © 2024 Pakenham Auto Club, Inc.